
All about CO2

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All about CO2 does not only mean a complete product range: above all it means complete and individual CO2 solutions including professional consultation and best possible after sales attention. ASCO’s service starts before and does not end with the sale.

ASCO has all you ever need to make your CO2 project a success.

Our product portfolio is based on the expertise of over 130 years of practice in the field of CO2 and dry ice. During this time, we have recognized that only a continuous development and improvement of products ensures our future and the success of our customers. Our ISO certification underlines our demand on our products and Services (IQNet ISO Certificate 9001:2008  and SQS Certificate ISO 9001:2008).

Since 2007 we belong to the international industrial gas enterprise Messer Group and we are the competence centre for CO2. This merger with the German BUSE Gastek GmbH & Co. KG headquartered in Bad Hönningen, in 2014 allowed us to concentrate and substantially expand our expertise and product portfolio, especially on the complex field of CO2 recovery.

ASCO Company Brochure (PDF file)

Asco - Hauptsitz

Dry Ice Production - Info >>>

For a maximum of quality and flexibility in the daily working process and remarkable cost savings. As a provider of complete CO2 solutions we are not only your contact in regards to dry ice production machines in various capacities but also your competent partner for setting-up your in-house dry ice production.

What is dry ice?
Dry ice is the name for solid CO2. At atmospheric pressure it has a temperature of approx. -79° C (-110,2 °F). The evaporisation is residue free. Dry ice is non toxic, non flammable, inert, tasteless and odourless. It is white and has a density of approx. 1'500 kg/m3 (93,64 lb/ft3) in its compact form.

Applications of dry ice
Dry ice is an ideal cooling media which can be used for many applications. It has a high cooling capacity. Dry ice blocks/slices or dry ice pellets are used for cooling purposes.

ASCO Dry Ice Blasting is a powerful, gentle, dry and ecologically friendly cleaning method causing no secondary waste. It is applied in many industries. For the cleaning of surfaces with our ASCO dry ice blasting technology dry ice pellets with the diameter of 3 mm (0,12 in) are standardly used. Dry ice pellets with a diameter of 1.7 mm (0,06 in) can also be used for the cleaning of delicate surfaces. For cooling purposes dry ice blocks and pellets with a bigger diameter are used.

How dry ice is produced
Dry ice is produced from liquid carbon dioxide (CO2). Inside a dry ice pelletizer, the liquid carbon dioxide is expanded under controlled conditions to form dry ice snow. This snow is then pressed through an extruder plate into round, hard pellets (elongated grains with a diameter of 3 mm or 1.7 mm according to the used extruder plate) for dry ice blasting purposes or into larger pellets/dry ice slices/blocks for cooling purposes.  . 

Dry ice for cooling purposes
Dry ice is an ideal cooling media which can be used for many applications. It has a high cooling capacity. Dry ice blocks/slices or dry ice pellets are used for cooling purposes.

Products - Info >>>
Dry Ice Production Centres
ASCO Dry Ice Pelletizer P55i
ASCO Dry Ice Machine BP425i
ASCO Dry Ice Pelletizer A30P
ASCO Dry Ice Pelletizer A55P
ASCO Dry Ice Pelletizer P15(i)
ASCO Dry Ice Pelletizer P28i
ASCO Dry Ice Pelletizer P75i
ASCO Dry Ice Machine BP420i
ASCO Dry Ice Reformer A700Ri
ASCO Pellets Bagging Machine PBM
ASCO Dry Ice Pellets Repacking
ASCO Bucket Filling System for Dry Ice Pellets
ASCO Active Dry Ice Saw AAS
ASCO Wrapping Machine APM120

ASCO - i-Series

Dry Ice Blasting - Info >>>

As a provider of complete CO2 solutions we offer a comprehensive product range in the field of dry ice blasting including complete dry ice logistics. On top of that, we are your competent partner for all interest and matters concerning dry ice production and setting-up an in-house dry ice production.

How does dry ice clean?
The ASCO Dry Ice Blasting machine accelerates with compressed air the dry ice pellets to a speed of approx. 300 m/s (984,25 ft/s). The pellets hit the object to be cleaned. The surface is shock-frozen in a fraction of a second. Due to the sudden thermo shock generated on the surface to be cleaned, the coating/dirt contracts, becomes brittle and cracks. Due to the cracking of the surface, the pellets can reach under the dirt and remove it. The additional kinetic energy removes the coating/dirt from the surface. Immediately after impact, the pellet sublimates and goes back to atmosphere as a pure gas (CO2) without leaving any moisture behind. The only thing left is the coating/dirt removed from the surface and no blasting media has to be disposed of. Since the hardness of the pellets is only approx. 2 Mohs, the cleaning is virtually non-abrasive, and the surface quality is maintained.

The thermo shock
As a result of the sudden and intense temperature shock on the surface, the coating or impurity contracts.

The cracking
As a result of the contraction the coating cracks and the material becomes brittle due to the cold.

The cleaning
The dry ice pellets hit the surface with great speed and remove the detached coating and clean the surface material.

Products - Info >>>
For more information please click on the links below:
Dry Ice Blasting Unit ASCOJET 1208
Dry Ice Blasting Unit ASCOJET 1701
Dry Ice Blasting Unit ASCOJET 1708 Combi Blaster
Customised Projects


Customised Projects
With the ASCO dry ice blasting technology we follow ASCO’s philosophy to provide complete and individual solutions tailored to the specific needs of our customers.

Our team and a worldwide network of sales partners guarantee individual consultation and service.

We will be pleased to also find the right solution for you. You can find several application examples here.

ASCO - Säntis AG



CO2 Production and CO2 Recovery Plants - Info >>>

Advanced CO2 Production and CO2 Recovery Plants to gain high-purity CO2 for all industrial and food applications, individually adjusted to our customers’ requirements.

What is CO2?
Carbon dioxide is the combination of two atoms of oxygen joined with a single atom of carbon. Its chemical formula CO2, is almost as well-known as that of water, H2O, and it is frequently referred to by its formula rather than its name.

In nature’s chain of life, the mutual dependence of plant and animal life is maintained through the link of carbon dioxide. Every time we breathe we release this gas, which plants need for life. Through the process of photosynthesis, the plants separate the carbon from the oxygen. In turn, plants release the pure oxygen, which we need to survive. We reverse the process, and by combining the oxygen with carbon from the foods we eat, produce carbon dioxide again.

CO2 is a colourless, inert gas approximately 1 ½ times heavier than air and 0.03 % is present in the earth’s atmosphere. It is odorless, has a sweet biting taste (soda water) and is highly stable (difficult to separate).

It is produced in varying amounts by the common process of combustion of fuels high in carbon content. The most common source of fuel for combustion is oil which, when mixed with the correct proportion of air, burns to produce around 15 % CO2 in the flue gases of a CO2 plant. After combustion has taken place, the CO2 can be separated from the flue gases and, through a simple process, made available for the many commercial purposes to which it can be applied.

CO2 can exist in three forms:
- in gaseous form: for the beverage and food industries
- in liquid form: in a storage tank under pressure
- in solid form:  called dry ice (for cooling, blasting etc.)

Products - Info >>>
Advanced CO2 Production and Recovery Plants to gain high-purity CO2 for all industrial and food applications, individually adjusted to our customers’ requirements.

CO2 Production Plant (CPS) - Info >>>
The CO2 Production Plant is based on burning fossil fuel, such as diesel, kerosene or natural gas. When no other source for recovery of CO2 is available, this self-contained CO2 Production Plant is the solution..

CO2 Stack Gas Recovery Plant (SGR) - Info >>>
ASCO’s innovative ASCOSORB CO2 stack gas recovery technology turns your vent flue gas into a usable and profitable source of CO2.

CO2 By-Product Recovery Plant (BPR) - Info >>>
ASCO’s innovative CO2 gas recovery technology turns your vented by-product gas into profitable CO2.

CO2 Revert Recovery System for Dry Ice Machines (RRS) - Info >>>
ASCO CO2 Gas Revert Recovery Systems are engineered to efficiently recover revert CO2 gas from dry ice pellet and block machines which normally direct the revert (flash) gas to the atmosphere.

Asco - Rückgewinnungsanlage für CO2 als Nebenprodukt

CO2 and Dry Ice Equipment - Info >>>

“All about CO2” does not only mean a complete product range: above all it means complete and individual CO2 solutions including professional advice and best possible after sales attention. ASCO’s service does not end with the sale. 

True to our credo „All about CO2“ we offer various CO2 and dry ice equipment for any of your applications.

CO2 Storage
CO2 Storage with ASCO – High-quality. Wide Range. Reliable

More information can be found here.

Ancillary CO2 Equipment
“All about CO2” does not only mean a complete product range: above all it means complete and individual CO2 solutions including professional advice and best possible after sales attention. ASCO’s service does not end with the sale. True to our credo „All about CO2“ we offer various CO2 and dry ice equipment for any of your applications.

ASCO Dry Ice Box AT126
ASCO Dry Ice Container AT240W
ASCO Dry Ice Container AT440

More information can be found here.

Asco - Trockeneiszubehör

CO2 and Dry Ice Logistics - Info >>>

ASCO delivers dry ice in blocks and slices in various sizes as well as dry ice pelltes in different diameters.

An in-house dry ice production starts paying at a need of several hundred kilograms dry ice per week. We are in a position to provide interesting all-in-all CO2 concepts and are pleased to find your most cost-saving solution for highest output whilst producing dry ice in-house.

Asco - CO2- und Trockeneislogistik

Hofenstrasse 19
CH-9300 Wittenbach

Tel. +41 71 466 80 80
Fax +41 71 466 80 66




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